Should I start over? Should I try a new track system?

It’s that time of the year. No, not autumn…the time when you wonder whether to start all over again. It seems like a common plague (or blessing?); Jerry and his amazing Quinntopia layout is having after thoughts as well.

As for me, well, I am light-years away from a finished layout, but I still am not satisfied. My “hidden” underground level is just a gigantic mess, prone to derailments.
On the other hand, I am satisfied with my visible train station on the upper level, and my last module on the left with my helix.

Reminder, here is the visible (upper level part):

N-scale layout, level 1

Upper level (L1) of my N-scale layout

And the present lower level (mostly invisible, except for the straight lines in front of the user (here at the bottom of the image):

N-Scale layout, level 0

Lower level (L0) of my N-scale layout

Modules 1, 2 and 3 are not nice. I can’t store many trains, the Fleischmann points are not bad but still provoke accidents.

So I browsed a lot, and I discovered something: Kato tracks are damned cheap ! Some stores here offer an full electric point (700mm radios, electrofrog) for less than โ‚ฌ20! The same for a Fleischmann point is around โ‚ฌ37!

I never really considered Kato. I know I don’t care about the appearance (all of this would be hidden, I am happy with Peco on the visible part). I didn’t want to bother with adapters and such (the Kato track is much higher with its integrated ballast)…but for this price, maybe!

So I got back to the drawing board, using Kato points with a large radius. Here is how my new improved invisible station (“shadow station” as the German says):

Kato Fiddle Yard

The idea behind it, is that most of my modern trains will use the left fiddle yard. They can run in reverse, and drive away without going through the loop on the left.
For other trains, such as freight trains, or some passenger trains without driving cab at the end, they need to go through the loop. To unpark, they drive in reverse (in the invisible part), and then can leave in the correct direction.

Remember my space is limited, and this uses 90% of it. Also, no need for another helix: everything is at the same level, on a simple plank of wood. I would need to betray my own “modular” concept though. But since those 3 modules belong together anyway (central station on level above), maybe that’s not so bad.
What do you think?
Do you confirm Kato track points (with 700mm+ radius) are derailment safe?